Svaddefossen, Rjukan

Plan A had been Grøtenutbekken, however once it became clear that the temperatures would be anything between - 20 and - 27 degrees, we quickly reconsidered due to the tension that would be in the ice. The reserve plan was Setesdal, where temperatures were expected to be in single digit minus figures, however that went southwards shortly before our departure on the Friday, when learned that ice conditions weren't great from a couple of sources. Thin ice, with water flowing freely down some of the major routes, didn't sound appealing enough to take a chance. Rjukan seemed the natural choice at so short notice, as the temperatures were also a little more moderate than the original plan, and conditions were a fairly known substance due to having visited two weeks earlier. The snow on the approaches sounded deep, but that would be the case everywhere. With plans set on Rjukan, we went back and fourth with possible objectives before we finally settled on Svaddefossen. I knew it was ...